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Table 1 Overview of applications we included in the analysis

From: Publishing computational research - a review of infrastructures for reproducible and transparent scholarly communication




In Authorea, authors can create executable papers collaboratively. They can attach code and data to figures to make them reproducible. Authors can also directly submit to a journal and, at the same time, publish a preprint.


Binder creates a containerized executable environment based on a repository (e.g., on GitHub/Lab, Zenodo) including a Jupyter Notebook [24]. Readers can launch the analysis and inspect the workflow in a browser.

Code Ocean

Code Ocean creates “capsules” containing code, data, and the computational environment. While reading, users can execute and inspect the analysis in a separate window below the article or on Code Ocean’s website [25].

eLife Reproducible Document Stack (RDS)

RDS originates from the life sciences. Authors can publish executable documents based on Stencila (, an open-source editor for articles. The executable document, which contains the whole narrative and executable code snippets, is not only a supplement but the actual scientific article.


Galaxy [26] provides features tailored to use cases in the life sciences. It is a web app for developing comput. Analyses without programming expertise. Scientists can upload and analyze data using Jupyter Notebooks [27].


Gigantum packages code, data, the computational environment, and the work history into a Git repository. Gigantum is composed of a client app for creating as well as executing analyses locally and a cloud-based infrastructure for sharing computations and collaborating with peers.


Manuscripts is an online tool for writing executable documents collaboratively based on the concept of literate programming, but featuring a “What you see is what you get” user interface. The runtime environment of the author is, however, not considered.


o2r [22] originates from the geosciences and addresses publishers who want to extend their infrastructure via a reproducibility service during the process of paper submission [28]. Authors can create interactive figures, allowing readers to change model parameters using a slider [29].


REANA [4, 30] originates from particle physics and provides a specification for capturing data, code, and the comput. Environment. Based on this structure and manually created configuration files, REANA provides command line interface (CLI) commands to run large analyses on a remote REANA cloud.


ReproZip [31, 32] provides a set of CLI commands for encapsulating data, code, and the computational environment. Users can execute the resulting bundle on a server provided by ReproZip [33] or locally on different systems.

Whole Tale

With Whole Tale [34], authors can create so-called “Tales” that combine narrative, data, code, and the computational environment. Readers can inspect the materials and execute the analysis in the original environment.